Thursday, December 19, 2019

The s Container / Contained Theory And Bowlby s...

Trauma is very complex and varied in its nature. Traumatic events include child abuse, neglect and maltreatment. Wamser†Nanney Vandenberg (2013) found that one of the more harmful types of trauma is the abuse is committed intentionally. This directly impacts the victim s safety and sense of trust. The devastating effects of this type of trauma is the way in which it impacts not only the survivors, but also future generations, and the ability they have to form attachments (Connolly, 2011). This report outlines the importance of Bion’s container/contained theory and Bowlby’s attachment theory in developing secure relationships. Sadly, abused infants form a disorganised attachment style which causes them as adults to adapt maladaptive parenting skills. This leads to intergenerational transmission of maltreatment. These parents tend to use fight, flight or freeze responses to cope with their traumatic past. However in saying that, if the abused parent has been able to develop a secure attachment with another individual, or access psychotherapy, the parent can learn healthy parenting behaviours, and is able to break the cycle of intergenerational transmission of trauma being passed on to future generations. When infants are born, they naturally form strong attachments to their primary caregivers (May, 2005). Bion s container/contained theory stipulates that when an infant is distressed, they project their negative feelings onto their caregiver, who contains theShow MoreRelatedHistory, Principles And Value Of Infant Observation2335 Words   |  10 Pagesoutline the history, principles and value in infant observation. I will then further examine my own experience of infant observation of four year old S. My observations of S had recurring themes of perfectionism, obsessive compulsive behaviours and avoidance. S was extremely shy and constantly sought teacher approval. By examining attachment theory, the emotions of shame and guilt, containment, the drive to know, mental pain and false-self, I was able to psychoanalysis S’s unconscious thoughts

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